Rodent Control

Rats, Mice and Chipmunk Services

Chipmunk Control

Chipmunks can damage ornamental shrubs and plants when they harvest fruits and nuts. The dig up and eat flower bulbs and burrow in flower beds or under sidewalks and porches. They cause structural damage when they burrow under foundations and porches to nest. If chipmunks get into your attic via tree limbs and holes, they can cause extensive damage. They can gnaw on wiring, insulation, and wooden structures. This behavior leads to structural issues and the risk of electrical fire.

A Wildlife Control Team professional can determine if you have chipmunks based on visual identification, damage, and droppings. Trenching can then be used to keep them from burrowing around foundations, sidewalks, porches, and retaining walls. Any holes in foundations or woodwork will be sealed with mesh to keep them from entering the home.

Rat Control

Norway rats have a strong sense of smell, which often leads them to homes and gardens looking for easy meals. To enter buildings, they can squeeze through holes 1/2 inch or larger in diameter. They may also burrow under or enlarge existing cracks in doors, window sills, walls, ceilings, and floors.

They burrow under buildings, which make the foundations unstable. They also gnaw on electrical wires and water pipes, as well as rip up insulation in walls and attics. In addition, the pests consume and contaminate human and pet food. Eating contaminated food or coming into contact with Norway rats or their waste can transmit diseases such as typhus, leptospirosis, trichinosis, food poisoning, and rat bite fever to humans and pets.

Mice Control

Residential lawns and manmade buildings offer mice everything they need in terms of food and shelter. They get inside via cracks in foundations, siding, floors, and walls. Gaps around windows and doors are often large enough to provide mice entrance, as well. The pests also force their way inside homes from roofs. They reach those heights by way of trees or utility lines and enter buildings through vents or chimneys.
A Wildlife Control Team professional can determine if you have chipmunks based on visual identification, damage, and droppings. Trenching can then be used to keep them from burrowing around foundations, sidewalks, porches, and retaining walls. Any holes in foundations or woodwork will be sealed with mesh to keep them from entering the home.

Serving the Following areas for Porcupine Control:

Maine (Counties: Aroostook, Penobscot, Piscataquis, Hancock, Washington)    

New Jersey (Counties: Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex, Monmouth, Somerset, Union)

Our Commitment:

We are committed to providing high quality Wildlife Control services that protect your home and business. Our goal is to provide our clients with the best possible solution to their specific problem. 

Service Areas:

Maine, New Jersey and New York

Please see our service area page or individual services for our service area.

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